Karl Böhm


Deutsches Theater Berlin

Written by Paulus Hochgatterer

Directed by Nikolaus Habjan


10.18, 19:30

10.19, 16:00

10.20, 16:00

N Theatre

Duration:105 minutes (without intermission)

Performed in German, with Chinese and English subtitles


Habjan gives each of the eleven characters a tone of voice, their own gestures and their own character [...]. The way Habjan does this with wicked wit is reminiscent of the legendary Helmut Qualtinger, who spoke with similar virtuosity in different voices.

A. J. Goldmann, New York Times

Böhm fabulously combines the poetry of enchanting stagecraft with this necessary content and a tremendously illuminating text. [...] A must-see if you see the evening announced anywhere!

Egbert Tholl, Süddeutsche Zeitung

Habjan conveys the ambivalence of the character in an interplay of large image and intimate monologue. Böhm thus proves to be a sensitive approach to an artistic character who stubbornly immerses himself in notes, clinging to them in order to suppress politics.

Ljubisa Tosic, Der Standard

Habjan's gifted one-man show. [...] It's a breathtaking one and three-quarter hours.

Michaela Reichart, Kronen Zeitung

About Karl Böhm

There are around 340 orchestras in Germany. And each one is headed by a conductor. They are fascinating beings: They combine musical sensitivity and leadership qualities, and sometimes they rule god-like over huge groups of people.

Karl Böhm (1894 - 1981) is revered by many music lovers to this day. His life was characterized by a deep dichotomy: On the one hand a great artist, on the other a man who made common cause with National Socialism in order to further his career: a profiteer of the Third Reich.

In this solo, the gifted puppeteer and puppet maker Nikolaus Habjan deals with the darkest chapter of European history. Viennese author Paulus Hochgatterer wrote the text for Nikolaus Habjan and 15 puppets.


Playwright: Paulus Hochgaterrer

Director: Nikolaus Habjan

Cast: Nikolaus Habjan

Dramaturgy: Elisabeth Geyer, Karla Mäder

Directorial Work: Martina Gredler

Puppet Design: Nikolaus Habjan

Puppet Building: Marianne Meinl, Nikolaus Habjan

Stage Design: Julius Theodor Semmelmann

Costume Design: Cedric Mpaka

Assistant Director and Evening Performance Manager: Djuna Boguhn

Stage Manager:Marike Moiteaux

Soufflage: Heike Irmert

Theatre Education and Mediation: Viola Novak

Technical Equipment: Thomas Lachmann

Sound: Matthias Lunow

Video: Jonas Klipp

Props: Tony Weichbrodt

Costumes: Dressers DT Bühne

Masks: Andreas Müller

Surtitles: Panthea

Technical Director: Olaf Grambow

Production: Herbert Lines-Weber

Equipment Management: Kathrin Frosch

Chief Stage Technician: Jörg Luxath

Chief Lighting Technician: Robert Grauel

Chief Sound and Video Technician: Marek Sawitza

Chief of Props: Jens Thomas Günther

Chief Dresser and Costume Manager: Sabine Reinfeldt

Chief of Masks: Andreas Müller

Production of Stage Design and Costumes Art & Event Theater Service: Graz GmbH

Chinese Script Translation: Wang Yukuan

About Nikolaus Habjan

Nikolaus Habjan, born in Graz (Austria), studied musical theatre directing at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. His experience with puppet theatre began at the age of 15. Today he is one of the best puppeteers in the world—he has directed and performed at theatres in multiple countries and festivals. His solo performance, F. Zawrel—biologically and socially inferior, has been awarded the highest theatre prize of Austria and been seen in more than 600 shows up to today. Böhm premiered in 2018 in Graz, Austria, and is now part of the repertoire of Deutsches Theater Berlin. Böhm was nominated for the Austrian Theater Prize 2018 and has already had more than 60 performances in Graz, Berlin, Vienna and elsewhere.

About Deutsches Theater Berlin

The Deutsches Theater Berlin is one of the most important theaters in the German-speaking world. Aesthetic diversity, contemporary drama, complicity with and interest in the social contexts of the present characterize the artistic work of Artistic Director Iris Laufenberg. She has a long-standing collaboration with directors such as Claudia Bauer, Claudia Bossard, Alexander Eisenach, András Dömötör, Anita Vulesica, FX Mayr, Jan-Christoph Gockel and the puppeteer, art whistler and director Nikolaus Habjan.

The Deutsches Theater sees itself as a theater of authors, especially of the present. In the first season, this includes Rainald Goetz, Ingrid Lausund, Elemawusi Agbédjidji, Sivan Ben Yishai and many more, some in a dual role as author and director, such as Nino Haratischwili and Paula Thielecke. The 36-strong ensemble includes well-known actors.

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